

Adventures every day at Westbrook

The October half term saw a brand new adventure at Westbrook when we held a ‘Holiday Club in the Woods’, which aimed at giving children and young people a taste of adventure in the outdoors alongside teaching them some bushcraft skills.  One child came to learn how to look after herself...

A close-up of the latest edition of Urban Saints' 'This is US' magazine, with a group of lads inside a homemade woodland shelter

'This is US' available now

The latest edition of our magazine has been posted out to our supporters and friends, with stories and news from around the country of what's happening in Urban Saints. In this edition: Our CEO, Richard Langmead, asks "who is discipling our young people?" News of new Groups around the country  Anthony, one of our...

Young person sitting on a park bench on their own

Together we are creating safe spaces for young people

“Will I be the next one attacked? What do I do if I am? Should I carry a weapon to defend myself and my friends?” These are the questions that young people are asking us. Most know nothing of the hope and assurance that they can find with Jesus Christ. Most...

Anthony Narain

"My job is so much better than I could have ever imagined!"

"I’ve have been a youth worker for 13 years and in early 2011 I was introduced to Sara Taylor (Senior Impact Team Leader) who sold me Energize and shortly after we became friends. She was so inspiring and shared passionately about Urban Saints and what they do. From that moment, I wanted to join...

A girl looking up towards the sky

New website launches

We are just a little excited... it's our pleasure to reveal the new Urban Saints website! Do take a look around and make yourself at home. We've taken our time to redevelop the site, which was last updated back in 2012, to put a greater emphasis on recruiting and supporting volunteers. We...

Edgar the dragon and his kindly friend Ava as featured in the 2019 John Lewis Christmas advert. They are walking along together through their snow-covered town

Edgar the Dragon

(First published on the Additional Needs Blogfather blog) "Children with additional needs are best supported and helped not by trying to get them to ‘fit in’, or by trying to change them into someone that they are not and can never be, but by helping everyone to accept them for who...