
Will you pray with us?

Being an 'Urban Saint' means prayer is essential and we seek to pray together regularly asking God to bless our Groups, volunteers and young people as well as the ministries of other youth organisations around the UK. We are passionate about inviting God into everything we do and we don’t want to achieve anything without God getting the glory. We can reach a generation of young people, thanks to your prayers, so please join in.

Starting in June and running accross the summer, we are delighted to have a busy programme of Camps running again this year. 

Our hope and expectation is that God will move powerfully through the Camps this year and we would love you to join us in praying for that to happen. 

Pray for Camps

What's your 'one thing' for young people?

We'd love you to join us in praying for young people during this challenging season. Create or find a picture that sums up the word - write the word on a bit of paper or card, draw or paint something, take a photo or find a GIF or meme. Share it on your social media pages using the hashtag #prayonething, and/or email it to

Here are some examples that others have shared:

Prayer Requests

We have put together some key requests for prayer and would encourage you to join with us in praying for the young people across the United Kingdom and Ireland and for our ongoing ministry.

If, when you are praying, you feel God is speaking to you, please encourage us by letting us know.  Email

Creative prayer spaces for Urban Saints

We produced some creative prayer spaces for our last 24/2 Prayer event. They unpack some prayer requests and other creative ways to inspire prayer for the different areas of Urban Saints. Although written for the 24/2 we will continue to update them and they can help shape your prayers throughout the year:

Visit the prayer spaces

Praying together

Join us again in October 2022 to be part of our next 24/2 Prayer event

Find out more

Praying every day

Pray For Change is the Urban Saints prayer diary, with daily prayer topics from across the network. This is available as a handy A5 booklet, delivered straight to your door twice a year, ready for you to play your part.

Sign up to receive Pray For Change

Pray For Change is also available as:

Monthly prayer updates

The Urban Saints Support Centre sends out a monthly prayer email featuring the latest prayer needs, praise items and requests. By signing up to this, you'll become one of our most vital team members - responding to the immediate needs of the team and the wider organisation. We also send out urgent prayer requests when needed this way too. Sign up and select 'Pray With US' from the list provided.

Local prayer networks

We now have a prayer network up and running across the UK and Ireland, with Regional Prayer Coordinators (RPCs) in place in ten of our twelve nations/regions. The RPCs collect together prayer news from Urban Saints Groups to pass on to the prayer supporters. If you would like to join one of these local networks, you can sign up and select the region or nation you are most interested in from the list provided.

N.B. We still have vacancies for RPCs in the South East and South London. If you are interested in finding out more about the role click here.