
Edgar the dragon and his kindly friend Ava as featured in the 2019 John Lewis Christmas advert. They are walking along together through their snow-covered town

Edgar the Dragon

(First published on the Additional Needs Blogfather blog) "Children with additional needs are best supported and helped not by trying to get them to ‘fit in’, or by trying to change them into someone that they are not and can never be, but by helping everyone to accept them for who...

A line of people side-by-side linking arms and looking out over the ocean.

What are you thankful for?

It’s always good to express gratitude and to reflect on what we are thankful for. In the run up to Christmas, it's a good discipline to practice. Reflection is one thing but when was the last time you actually contacted the person (or entire organisation for that matter!) and told them...

Urban Saints' Groups are open and accessible to everyone.

Additional Needs Ministry

Jesus told them, The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field. Luke 10:2 Thank you for supporting the Additional Needs Ministry at Urban Saints, whether by remembering us in prayer, attending events, sending encouragement or providing...

Urban Saints Luton launches

Breaking news... Urban Saints Luton has now launched following several months of leader recruitment and training as well as venue refurbishment. It's so exciting to be able to host a brand new Urban Saints' Group in our Support Centre building, with an enthusiastic bunch of local volunteers making it happen...

A glimpse of the cover of the latest edition of Associate News

In the latest Associate News...

The latest edition of Crusader Associate News is now available. In this edition of our news magazine for anyone with a Crusader history, we have the following stories and updates: An update on the newest Urban Saints Groups and regions The relaunch of Energize Repairs to the main windows at Urban Saints Westbrook (and...

A privilege that should be available to every young person

“I tell you, now is the time of God’s favour, now is the day of salvation.” 2 Corinthians 6:2b, NIV Rarely a day goes by without more news about the challenges that young people are facing. Across the UK, we are seeing a real hunger among young people to join the new Urban...