Hannah Moyse - Resources Editor, Urban Saints

"Hands-on youth ministry is so important"

8th Jun 2022

Hannah Moyse is one of the latest recruits to the Urban Saints team, joining as a new Resources Editor. Hannah, who has a Masters degree in Theology, previously worked for The Bible Society for five years and before that took part in a gap year with Youth For Christ. We asked Hannah some questions to find out a little more about her:

Why did you join Urban Saints?

I am passionate about helping to bring the Gospel to young people, and I loved that discipleship is one of the core values of Urban Saints. I also loved the look of Energize and was excited to work on similar resources! I believe that hands-on youth ministry is so important and the chance to work on Energize gives me the opportunity to write and edit fun, engaging content for young people and to help youth workers bring them to faith.

What do you most appreciate about Energize?

I like the diverse range of content for all ages that Energize contains. It really seems to have something for everyone! I also like how much you can personalise, tailor and edit the content in each session – definitely something I appreciate when I do youth work.

What are you hoping to bring to the team?

I’m hoping that my writing and editing skills will be beneficial to the team (I previously was involved in writing articles at Bible Society) and that my heart for seeing young people fulfilled in a relationship with Jesus will motivate me in creating great resources.

What have you been doing in the first few weeks on the team? 

I have been thrown into resource creation from the very beginning, writing games for our Weekly Wins feature, as well as creating and updating main Energize sessions. I started my role just before the annual Team Retreat so I got to appreciate that opportunity to reflect on my new role and enjoy some time with God too. It was also a great opportunity to meet all my friendly new colleagues too!

How has Christian youth work impacted your life?

As a teenager I loved going to camps and events like Soul Survivor, and I was inspired by my youth pastor’s personal stories of how they overcame struggles through having faith, and how they experienced personal healing too.

What does ‘adventure’ look like to you?

For me adventure means discovery – whether that’s discovering new places, new perspectives from different people or something new that God wants to teach me!

What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?

When I’m not busy working on Energize and other resources, I really enjoy reading, creative writing, weightlifting, and even do a bit of skateboarding every now and then too.

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