Young person wearing a hoodie and a beanie hat, leaping over a wall - doing some parkour

Urban Saints for a New Generation

1st Nov 2017

We are hugely excited to announce the launch of our 2020 Vision and Strategy.

Jesus calls us to share the Gospel and make disciples - and that is what Urban Saints is all about. We believe that young people meeting in weekly groups, enjoying everyday adventures and being together on camps is a powerful way to change lives and disciple young people. We're looking to raise up Impact Team Leaders across the UK and Ireland who will gather volunteers to start groups in unreached communities, schools and clusters of churches.

Click here to find out more about the 2020 Strategy

"Long-term discipleship against the background of a steady weekly group is so important..."

Sarah understands the importance of "a long walk in the same direction..."

Discipleship is tough. It's not a quick-fix solution but our whole strategy focuses on a long-term commitment to youth discipleship by amazing volunteer leaders and exciting weekly groups.

"Seeing lads grow up through the group, making commitments to Christ and then taking on a leadership role, is what it's all about and we long for there to be more new groups planted who will do the same thing."

Read Sarah's experience of long-term weekly discipleship

Could you help us to raise up Impact Team Leaders across the UK and Ireland who will gather volunteers to start groups in unreached communities, schools and clusters of churches?

Find out how you can help

Thank you for your concern for helping children and young people come to know Jesus and be discipled - do let us know if we can give you more details on any aspect of our ministry in order to serve you better. 


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